Tag Archives: Shopping

Homemade Lip Balm

Having soft lips is such a plus point .

Chapped lips can cause bleeding too. Apart from drinking ALOT AND ALOT of water you should use a lip balm too which has less chemicals. Nothing else can be better than something that is homemade.

So here is the recipe.

First just gather the things you are going to need .

• A bowl

• Sugar 2 tablespoons

• Honey 2 tablespoons

• Olive oil 1 1/2 tablespoons

Now take the bowl add all the indgredients and stir until you see a paste.
Apply it whenever your lips are dry and drink lots and lots of water ie. 10 glass. Preserve the left over in some container and use it daily.

Perfect Jawline

I got your feedback on my ask profile @Midnightteenie and i have never felt so happy in my whole life . Ok so coming back to the topic i have been seeing many girls obssessing over perfect jawlines and i am one of them . :p i mean seriously a perfect jawline makes your face 80% attractive.

A strong defined face is a must for every face . But do not get any kind of surgeries for the love of god .It not only makes you look fake but it also makes your jaw weak. The only thing you need to do is exercise and here i am going to provide you some exercises for your jawline.

When you perform regular face and jawline exercises you can keep your neck and jawline firm. These exercises only require 2% effort .


The most basic technique to exercise your jaw muscles is to chew a wad of suger-free gum and you can do that anywhere and anytime.


Sit on a chair , keep your back straight and look forward . Drop your jaw downwards till the point it cant go any further . Its just like stretching . Hold this position for about a second then close your mouth . Do this execise 20 times.

Tilt your head upwards and look at the ceiling . Keep going back until you feel a stretch in your neck do this for 20 minutes but please be careful .


Now this exercise will not only improve your jawline but it will also help you get a goodnight sleep. Sit infront of a mirror , keep your back straight and look forward . Now clench your teeth as tightly as you can and smile. Make sure you are stretching your cheek muscles.
Do this for 2 secs. ; 20 times.


This exercise is the one I recommend the most. Keep your mouth closed and clench your teeth and fill your mouth with as much air as you can and move that air in your mouth. Do this exercise for 20 mins.


Repeat these alphabets for twenty mins. “Xoxo”.

These exercises will give you a beautiful jawline in a month only if you work hard. A face with a perfect jawline looks younger while puffy cheeks make you look older than your age.
Do provide me with your opinion.

Watermelon mask

Watermelon mask/midnightteenie.files.wordpress.com/2013/12/670px-make-face-masks-out-of-fruit-step-11.jpg”>670px-Make-Face-Masks-out-of-Fruit-Step-11

Watermelon , another fruit that contains the skin friendly anti-oxidant compound lycopene which also works as an exfoliant.

Here is what you have to do:

Take a small piece of watermelon and mash the flesh into a pulp. Apply the pulp on your entire face and let it dry.
Rinse with warm water and pat dry.

Simple yet effective.

Homemade Detangler

Tangled hair , don’t we all hate them? Swimming and sport activities etc make them frizzy and tangles them pretty bad.

All you need is a detangler. Just un-tangle your hair a bit with the help of your fingers and then use the detangler then just comb your hair. Normally detanglers contain too many chemicals but the recipe I’m gonna spill out contains a lot less chemicals.

Here is what you need:

1. A spray bottle

2. Your daily conditioner

3. Water


Just squirt some of your conditioner into the spray bottle and fill the spray bottle with luke warm water. Shake it . Use it.See how simple it was ?